Schranz Consulting has been supporting freelancers in business management and tax advisory since 2017.
My passion for culture combined with business knowledge in this sector led me to specialize Schranz Consulting in these particular areas.
Professionals in the fields of film, architecture, acting and cast, graphic arts, visual & performing arts and the like are supported in an uncomplicated and flexible way with fair, adjusted fees.
This means that there is time for those things that really interest you.
Estd. Self employment
Estd. Joint-stock company (AG)
Estd. Limited liability company (GmbH)
Estd. Association
listing in trade register
Tax return (private individuals, sole proprietorship, AG, GmbH, Association)
Tax optimization
Support with questions regarding tax deductions
Value added tax (VAT, known as MWST)
AHV, IV, EO, ALV on wages
FAK (Familienausgleichskasse)
A1 Formular
Registration and deregistration
Single and double-entry bookkeeping
Invoice reminders
Insurance set-up
Insurance optimization
For us it is important that everyone, creative professionals included, can afford our consultations, which is why we charge a fair market price.

Nina Schranz
T +41 (0)79 934 39 99
Katharina Evans
2015 Master of Science in business economics (Universität Bern)
2013 Bachelor of Science in business economics (Universität Bern)
2012 Bachelor of Science ZFH in business economics (ZHAW)
various cooperations with:
ZHDK (Alumni Programm), Visarte Schweiz, NETZhdk und F+F
Swiss Circle AG
Mediaplanet Group AG, Project manager
Hotz’n’Plotz Entertainment GmbH
Openair Frauenfeld
Wirz Werbung AG
2022 real estate taxation, Cosmos Verlag
2022 CAS in national individual taxation, Kaleidos Fachhochschule Schweiz